This was one of two illustrations I did yesterday at our every-few-weeks art jam with my friend Avery. Just had an idea in my head and this is what came out.
I'm planning on doing a bunch of 6x9 sketches for the FX Con show April 17-19. Here a few examples of the "portraits". The Robin was actually from Mega Con and the Batman and the Joker are already spoken for but the rest will be available at the show.
My plan is to keep these simple and affordable. $5-$10 each. These that I am doing before the show will be $5.00 and I plan to have several more... so keep checking back.
I had the Extreme pleasure of helping Shawn Prior with a six page story for PKD Media Presents #1. He had a problem with the deadlines and asked if I could step in and do the first chapter of Blacks Danger in Space. It was a blast and I'm gonna post the first 3 pages here, sans word balloons. I hope you like and definetley check out PKD Media Presents #1 available for pre-order at
PKD Media Presents is available at Heroes Corner for Pre-Orders... check it out (just click on the cover). I'll be posting a few more pages from Agents of C.O.L.T. and Blacks Danger in Space, both with art by ME. Check it out. Shawn Prior ROCKS!
The Guys over at Half hour Wasted podcast did an interview with Shawn Prior of PKD Media and he talked about the upcoming PKD Media Presents featuring several different stories and artists, including ME. Check out the podcast.
All weekend, Wayne was doing "Lousy Writer Sketches" and they were GREAT! This is one he did for my daughter's TinkerBell collection. Wayne is a great writer.
Rich Bernatovech, the writer of Sentinels, did this great sketch of my Cornerstone characters. Rich has been doing a "sketch a day" all this year and his stuff is getting better and better. Check out his blog here.
I did two "Sketch Swaps" with Jamie Fay at Mega Con. So far, Jamie has done 2 Cornerstone sketches for me, added to my son's Ben 10 jam page and done a TinkerBell for my daughter... only thing left was Batgirl... and he KNOCKED IT OUT OF THE PARK!